Turkey Syria Earthquake Why Do Some People Die Even After Rescued Alive After An Earthquake

Turkey Syria Earthquake Why Do Some People Die Even After Rescued Alive After An Earthquake

Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Thousands of people died after being buried under the collapsed buildings due to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake in Turkey and Syria. However, under the rescue and relief operation, many people were taken out alive from the debris. According to media reports, Zainab, who was rescued after four days from the debris, died in the hospital a few hours later. However, according to International Search and Rescue, Zainab was laughing when she was being taken to the hospital after being pulled alive from the wreckage.

This case is not a new one, many such cases have been seen in the past too, in which people who were rescued safely from the debris later died. Doctors say that there can be lakhs of reasons for death in this way. Let us know what medical science says about this.

heart beat can kill

Bastian Herbst, an emergency doctor associated with the aid organization ISAR, explains that an abnormal heart beat can also be the cause of a person’s death in earthquakes, tsunamis or other disasters. Many times the heart beat of a person increases a lot due to the great happiness of coming out alive from the debris. Which can cause death. Due to remaining in the same position, the body of the older person gets stiff under the debris. In such a situation, on coming to normal condition, the veins open and the flow of cold blood increases immediately. Even this can lead to abnormal heart beat and death.

vasoconstriction and drop in blood temperature

In Zainab’s case, Dr. Herbst says that she may have died due to hypothermia as well. According to him, due to the icy cold, there is a danger of shrinking of the blood vessels of the people trapped in the debris. That’s why the veins do not allow the heat inside the body to escape through the skin. After this, the blood temperature in some parts of the body becomes very low and in some parts the temperature becomes normal or high. Due to which the flow of blood in the body becomes abnormal and this can also become the reason for the death of the person.

sudden occurrence of stress after escape

According to doctors, the sudden decrease in stress can also be a major reason for the death of people who came alive from the debris after some time. According to Dr. Haberst, there is a lot of stress on the person trapped in the disaster. In such a situation, when the rescue team saves him, then his stress decreases completely. This can also become the cause of death. For some people a sudden occurrence of stress can be extremely severe. So serious that it can even lead to his death.

Actually, during severe stress many stress hormones are released in our body. Which give the body the strength to fight to stay alive. If survived, these hormones stop being produced completely, due to which the communication system between the brain and the body comes to a standstill and the situation becomes serious. Apart from this, there can be many such reasons, which can lead to the death of a person in this situation.

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